The following checklist is for Installers on any Renewable Energy Project. After a project is completed, you can ask customers some of the following for obtaining a review:

arrow Need a Sample Checklist? Click Here!

arrow Would you hire the same professional/contractor again?

arrow How pleased were you with the work and how it was done?

arrow Were various options and system designs provided and explained to satisfaction, prior to starting the work or signing the contract?

arrow Were the costs explained thoroughly before starting the work or signing the contract?

arrow Was the installation process explained properly before starting the work or signing the contract?

arrow Were any references of prior work offered to you to verify the quality of the work?

arrow Did the work begin on the date and time that was promised?

arrow Was the work completed in the time schedule promised?

arrow Was the work completed for the pre-agreed price?

arrow How satisfied are you with the way problems were handled, if any?

arrow How satisfied are you with the way problem were resolved, if any?

arrow How satisfied are you with the way the contractors/professionals attempted to make corrections, if any?

arrow Was it easy to get in touch with the contractors/professionals during the project?

arrow How satisfied are you with follow up after the project was completed?

arrow Were you satisfied with the trainings that were provided to you for the operation of your system?