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Many people starting out in the solar industry wonder where they can obtain the equipment/technology needed, what type of performance they can expect, where to buy the materials, and most importantly - how much it will cost.

Typically, solar farms use a technology that is known as photovoltaic (PV). These systems use panels that are specially designed to convert sunlight or solar energy into electricity. PV systems include a battery, inverter and solar tracker. The shining blue panels (which are used to capture the sunlight), are often referred to as modules, and when used alone provide very little amounts of energy. However, in conjunction with other panels, much more usable energy can be provided. Multiple modules linked together are often called an "array". Several rows of arrays must be established in order to power businesses and homes.

Arrays often need an inverter in order to convert the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). Since the inverter is extremely important to a solar farm, it should be purchased from a reputable company.

Producing these equipments has become relatively cheaper as the demand for solar power increases. The reduction in cost in turn means a lower overhead and a faster return on investment. Tax credits are also available, which allows for the purchasing of a solar farm to be more of a realistic opportunity than a dream.

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