Solar Farms |

Benefits of Solar Farms | Equipment with Solar Farms | Solar Farm Commercialization | Investing into Solar Farms | Solar Farms & Tax Credits | The Outlook on Solar Farms |

Like any investment, there are pros and cons that need to be considered with regards to Solar Farms. The sun provides Earth a nearly endless source of energy as the sun shines everyday. Since the sun is predicted to last another few billion years, we can take advantage of the solar energy that the sun provides.

Since Solar Farming is considered to be one of the most popular ways of producing sunlight into solar energy, pros and cons need to be considered.

Pros Cons

No Carbon Emissions

Solar Power does not release any carbon emissions into the atmosphere, which is beneficial to the planet.

Cloud/Shade Output Reduction

When an area has heavy clouds or minimal access to sunlight, it causes a significant reduction in the production of solar energy.

Minimal Maintenance

Solar Farm systems require very little maintenance just to ensure that systems are working properly.

Land Space

Thousands of panels are needed in a solar farm in order to produce electricity that can power most grids. This means that lots of land would be required to put those panels.

Renewable Energy

Since the sun is not expected to burn out anytime soon, it provides the Earth with lots of solar energy that is constantly renewable. Using the solar energy provided by the sun does not deplete the sun in any way so it allows for constant production of electricity.

Start Up Costs

Starting a Solar Farm can be quite expensive, especially with the land and equipment needed to have a efficient system.

Worldwide Access

The sun shines everywhere in the world, making it very accessible and not limited to any particular area. *Note: Areas that do receive less sunlight will not get as much solar energy as those areas that have more sunlight.

Aesthetic Feel Lost

Solar Farms take away the natural look of the land.

Tax Incentives

There are many grants, tax credits, and low-interest loans available to those who invest into alternative energy sources.

While there are other pros and cons, most cons are outweighed by the pros. Before you invest, compare the pros and cons. As time passes and technology advances, there may further be more pros.