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(Solar) panel

Also known as a solar module; part of a PV plant

Parabolic Dish

Solar thermal collectors (over 180 degrees Fahrenheit) that has two-axis tracking and is generally bowl-shaped.

Parabolic Trough

Solar thermal collectors that has the capacity for tracking the sun with one axis.


Those air pollutants that are visible and consist particles. Appears in smoke or mist.

Passive Solar

System that uses solar energy in order to transfer thermal energy

Passive Systems

System that uses the sun energy without the mechanical system.

Peak Watt

Amount of power a PV cell or module will produce at normal test conditions. Typically it is 1,000 watts per square meter at 25 degrees Celsius.

Peak Load Plant

Plant that has old, less-efficient steam units, diesels, gas turbines, or pumped-storage hydroelectric equipment normally used during peak load periods.

Performance Ratio (PR)

PR of a plant for a period of time = Energy measured (kWh)/Irradiance (kWh/m2) on the panel x Active area of the PV module (m2) x PV module efficiency)

PR measures the performance of a PV system and takes int account environmental factors such as irradiation, temperature, etc. It takes into account the availability of the grid, the minimum level of irradiation needed to generate electrical energy and the irradiation levels for a given time period.


"Photovoltaik-Hilfe" (German for Photovoltaic support). This is an online system that is used to calculate shade and profitability of a PV system.


Biochemical process that utilizes energy from the sun to synthesize carbohydrates from Carbon Dioxide and water.

Photovoltaic Cell

Electronic device that has semiconductor materials and can convert incident light into electricity (direct current)

Photovoltaic Conversion

Semi-conductors or other devices that convert solar radiation directly to electricity.

Photovoltaic market

Business and trade in the photovoltaic industry.

Photovoltaic Module

Assembly of interconnected photovoltaic cells that deliver a specific amount of working voltage and current.

Photovoltaic system

Array of solar panels used to convert light into electricity.


Conversion of light into electrical energy.

Plant management

Professional maintenance and monitoring of a technical plant.

Plant owner Insolation

Legal owner of a PV plant


Ionized gas that is made up of positive ions and electrons in which it is electrically neutral


This is any substance that is in the air, water or soil that natural degrades the quality of the environment.

Polycrystalline solar panel

Solar panels that are cut from square polycrystalline ingots, usually of silicon. Less efficient than a single crystal silicon cell and also less expensive.

Polycrystalline solid

Materials that are composed of many crystallines that are composed of different orientations and sizes.


This is the rate at which energy is transferred.

Power Curve

A graph showing power of a Wind Turbine vs Wind Speed

Power output

Power delivered in a specific form and for a specific purpose.

Power Plant

A facility where power is generated.

Power supply

Supply of electrical current for end-consumers by connection to the public grid.

Primary market

When applied to the solar industry, new project rights and installed plants are sold.

Private consumption

Energy that is generated is consumed on site instead of being fed into the grid.

Production Tax Credit (PTC)

Qualifying facilities can give owners an annual tax credit, which depends on the amount of electricity generated.

Project developer

This is the market player who brings the unused and undeveloped area to ready-to-build status.

Project rights

Legal right of use

Project size

This is the size of the project


Person who yields power of disposition over something

Protection system (WT)

This is a system that ensures a wind turbine stays within the design limits

Provisional Type certificate

Document given when completion of provisional type certification

Provisional Type certification

Procedure by which Certification body gives written assurance

Provisional Type testing

Carrying out provisional testing

Private Activity Bond (PAB)

Bond where more than 10% of the proceeds are secured by the interest in the property. Can be tax-exempt if at least 95% is used for qualified investments, such as in waste-to-energy facilities.

Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA)

Measures designed to encourage the conservation of energy, equitable rates and more efficient use of resources.

Public Utility Commission (PUC) or Public Services Commission (PSC)

State government agency responsible for the regulation of public utilities within a state


Wood residues, round wood or whole-tree chips


Abbreviation for Photovoltaics

PV anti-theft protection

Anti-theft protection specifically designed to the PV System

PV generator

Total of all PV strings in a PV System, which are interconnected

PV insurance

Insurance that is specifically designed for PV Systems. There are two types: PV Liability Insurance (also known as "Operator Liability Insurance") or PV Insurance (Solar Insurance).

PV market

See Photovoltaic Market

PV secondary market

This is the grey market. Market for trading goods that have at least been sold once. In the Solar Industry market, already installed and producing plants are traded.

PV services

All kinds of services as its relates to Photovoltaics, including legal, insurance, repair, maintenance, etc.

PV system

See Photovoltaic System


This is an online tool that allows users to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) of a PV solar energy project.


Acronym for "Photovoltaic-Security Operations Center"; Anti-theft protection service that is designed for the requirements of PV plants.


Thermal decomposition of bio-mass at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen.